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Need For Speed Shift

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september - Flowers On The Grave

dodał: RikAA
czytano: 979 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
[ brak tłumaczeń ] [ brak tabulatur ]

Remember what I told you
Your face will let you hide the pain
You let me get to know you
And always driving me insane

Oh baby we were never soldiers
You an me could never fight for things we don't believe

And we will never never ever be the same
Since we [***]
So now lay down the flowers on the grave
And we will never never ever be the same

Just hold me till tomorrow
You don't have to say a thing
Cause I know about the sorrow
[That the morning light the grave]

Baby we were getting colder
You and me could never [make us feel in stoned ***]

And we will never never ever be the same
Since we [***]
So now lay down the flowers on the grave
And we will never never ever be the same

Baby we were never soldiers
You an me could never fight for things we don't believe

Baby we were getting colder
You and me could never [make us feel in stoned ***]

And we will never never ever be the same
Since we [***]
So now lay down the flowers on the grave
And we will never never ever be the same

And we will never never ever be the same

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