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Need For Speed Shift

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Yardbirds - Ten little indians

dodał: kuba
czytano: 828 razy

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Ten little Indians,
Standing in a line.
One stood looking at another man's wife,
Then there were nine.

Nine little Indians,
Their hearts were full of hate.
One took his neighbour's goods,
Then there were eight.

Eight little Indians,
They just got down from heaven.
One told a lie about another's best friend,
Then there were seven.

Seven little Indians,
All trying to get their kicks.
One thought he'd found another way to get to heaven,
Then there were six.

Six little Indians,
Trying to stay alive.
One took another's life,
Then there were five.

Five little indians,
All trying to find the door.
One pulled his mother down,
Then there were four.

Four little Indians,
All thinking that they gotta be free.
One little Indian forgot to say his prayers,
Then there were three.

Three little Indians,
Deciding what they're gonna have to do.
One took the name of God in vain,
Then there were two.

Two little Indians,
Thinking that they oughtta have some fun.
One took a liking to a picture of himself,
Then there was one.

One little Indian,
Out looking for the sun.
At six o'clock, the moon came out,
Then there was none.

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