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Need For Speed Shift

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XTC - Blame the weather

dodał: kuba
czytano: 956 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
[ brak tłumaczeń ] [ brak tabulatur ]

When your love's flown out the window and the
pain comes through the door once again you've
missed the boat and you're stranded on the shore,
And you find out that what you had was never
yours at all, friends and lovers that you knew
so well will never take your calls
So....... you blame the weather, oh-oh, blame
the weather, oh-oh, blame the weather, oh-oh
can't you see you're in your prime, you're
turning creases into lines.
If you play the game you've got to be prepared
to take a knock, you get put down so many
times but you keep on getting up, so put
your tears away and don't forget to worry
is a crime, nothing bears thinking about too
much, you'll be old before your time
so -... you blame the weather, oh-oh, blame
the weather, oh-oh, blame the weather, oh-oh
can't you see you're in your prime, you're
turning creases into lines.
the pool of tears you left to drown in (dry up,
dry up) the helping hands that never came (dry
up, dry up) the years you lost out to another
all went up in flames
so .... you blame the weather, oh-oh, blame
the weather, oh-oh, blame the weather, oh-oh
can't you see you're in your prime, you're
turning creases into lines.
composed by c. moulding

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