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Need For Speed Shift

SZUKAJ tekstu piosenki w/g albumu tłumaczenia tabulatur

  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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XTC - All you pretty girls

dodał: kuba
czytano: 987 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
[ brak tłumaczeń ] [ brak tabulatur ]

Do something for me, boys
If I should die at sea, boys
Write a little note, boys
Set it off afloat, saying

Bless you, bless you, all of you pretty girls
Village and city girls by the quayside
Bless you, bless you, all of you pretty girls
Watching and waiting by the sea

Bless you, bless you, all of you pretty girls
Quiet or witty girls by the quayside
Bless you, bless you, all of you pretty girls
Watching and waiting by the sea

I think about your pale arms waving
When I see the caps upon the green
And the rocking roller-coaster ocean
Think about you every night when I'm fathoms asleep
And in my dreams
We are rocking in a similar motion

I think about the salt sea rolling
Down in pearly tears upon your cheeks
Just like the day the harbour pulled away
I think about your warm white sheets unfolding
The more I have to drink
The more that I can think to say

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