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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Whitney Houston - I loves you Porgy

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1197 razy

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I loves you Porgy
Don't let him take me
Don't let him handle me and
Drive me mad
If you can keep me,
I wants to stay here
With you forever, and I'd be glad
I loves you Porgy
Don't let him take me
Don't let him handle me
With his hot hand
If you can keep me,
I wants to stay here
With you forever - I got my man

Someday, I know he's comin' back to call me
He's gonna handle me and hold me so
It's gonna be like dyin', Porgy, deep inside me
But when he calls I know I have to go

Porgy, I's you woman now
I is, I is
And I ain't never goin' nowhere
'Less you shares the fun
Want no wrinkle on your brow, no how
Because the sorrow of the past is all done, done
My Porgy, now the real happiness is just begun

There's no wrinkle on my brow, no how
And I ain't goin'
You hear me saying, if you ain't goin',
With you I'm stayin'

Porgy, I's yo' woman now,
I's yours forever
Mornin' time and evenin' time and
Summer time and winter time
Oh my Porgy
My man Porgy
From this minute I'm tellin' you
I keep this vow
Porgy, I's yo' woman now.

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