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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Whitney Houston - All At Once

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1290 razy

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All at once
I finally took a moment
and I'm realizing that you're not coming back
and it finally hits me - all at once.
all at once
I startet counting teardrops
and at least a million fell
my eyes began to swell
and all my dreams were shattered
all at once.

Ever since I met you you're the only love I know
and I can't forget you though I must face it all alone.

All at once
I'm drifting on a lonely sea
wishing you come back to me
and that's all that matters now
all at once
I'm drifting on a lonely sea
holding on to memories
and it hurts me more than you know
So much more than it shows
all at once

All at once
I'm drifting on a lonely sea
wishing you come back to me
and that's all that matters now
all at once
I'm drifting on a lonely sea
holding on to memories
and it hurts me more than you know
So much more than it shows
all at once

And that's all that matters now
all at once I'm drifting on a lonely sea
holding on to memories
and it hurts me more than you know
so much more than it shows - all at once

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