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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Varius Manx - Happy people

dodał: kuba
czytano: 978 razy

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I know cause somebody told me
There is a magic in a place
Somewhere over the laughter
And happy people live in there

I have never believed in
Truly easy happiness
Until the day that I've met him
This very lovely happy man

I know it's hard to believe that
Little things can change your life
Just once forget about trouble
Baby, take it easy and smile

That day he told me the one thing
You must start to love yourself
It may sounds pretty simple
But there can be no other way

It was the last day I saw him
But he will always stay with me
Because I found the answer
To the question how to live

Finally I have to tell you
Among the things that he had said
The one we should remember
You must start to love yourself!

I know it's hard to believe that
Little things can change your life
Just once forget about trouble
Baby, take it easy and smile

I know cause somebody told me
There is a magic in a place
Somewhere over the laughter
And happy people live in there

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