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Need For Speed Shift

SZUKAJ tekstu piosenki w/g albumu tłumaczenia tabulatur

  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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The fray - City hall

dodał: marlay2647
czytano: 962 razy

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The city hall in my mind, met last night
Rumors of reelection started to fly

It's my funeral today, my funeral today
I laid it down Underneath the sound

It's my principle concern, my principle concern is what you say
But I wanted it this way.
Cause I'm throwin down without a fight

You're more than welcome to look around
Consult your checklist go underground
I'll claim a stake here inside the frame
But I'm going under another way

I won't return after today
So I'm at liberty to say what's on my mind
And it some I like

You can't watch me, you can't make me like before
When I was yours when all I wanted was the door
So I'm throwin down without a fight

You're more than welcome to look around
Consult your checklist go underground
I'll claim a stake here inside the frame
But I'm going under another way

Decision on the dock head
Make up your mind and if you get consensus
Drop me a line

The city hall in my mind, got together last night
Rumors of reelection started to fly

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