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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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The Offspring - A Thousand Days

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1132 razy

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Ask me no questions and I‘ll tell you
I‘ll tell you no lies
When all is said and done
Does it really matter who‘s wrong or right
Don‘t ask me for a reason, I can‘t explain
Why we hurt one another again and again
As I lie bleeding here I still
I still reach for you

A thousand days
Have passed away
A thousand days
Were captured in her eyes

Your eyes are open now but you know
It‘s still hard to see inside
When action and intention
Are two seperate things
Now I somehow wish I could explain
Why we hurt each other again and again
Like someone on his dying breath
I still reach for you

A thousand days
Have passed away
A thousand days
Were captured in her eyes

Forever we‘ve been
Trapped by our hearts
Trapped by our minds
I‘d like to leave
I‘d like to win at love

But I just can‘t let it go
And I just can‘t watch it slipping away
And I just can‘t let it go
And I just can‘t stand another minute

Maybe now someday our shattered live
Will mend themselves again
But now a million miles away
I still wish I could
And though I somehow know, I can‘t explain
Why we hurt one another again and again
Like someone on his dying breath
I still reach for you

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