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Need For Speed Shift

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The Kelly Family - What's A Matter You People

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1128 razy

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Where there is hatred they sow love
Where there is injury they sow pardon
Where there is friction they sow union
And error truth doubt faith
Where there's dispair they sow hope
Where there's darkness light
And where there's sadness joy

What's a matter you people
What's a matter you say
What's a matter you people
It's gonna be a bright sunshiny day

Where there's love there's also pain
They do not seek to be consoled
As much as to console
Or to be understood as to understand
Or to be loved as to love for it is in giving
That they receive
And in pardoning that they are pardoned
And in dying that they are born to eternal live.

What's a matter you people
What's a matter you say
What's a matter you people
It's gonna be a bright sunshiny day

To save one's soul save one's life
Save one's soul save one's life
To save one's soul save one's life
Save one's soul save one's life

These are the instruments of peace

What's a matter you people
What's a matter you say
What's a matter you people
It's gonna be a bright sunshiny day

Save one's soul save one's life
Save one's soul save one's life
Save one's soul save one's life

Pilgrim walking pilgrim talking
Pilgrim walking

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