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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Take me back - Sylver

dodał: marlay2647
czytano: 1145 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
[ brak tłumaczeń ] [ brak tabulatur ]

Never felt this way before
Since your smile unlocked the door
To let me fall in love again
I'm not frightened anymore
You were send from up above
As a little piece of heaven
You showered me with love
No taking, only giving

Little angel, young at heart
Full of passion, full of life
You're my ever shining star
Thank you for being who you are
You were send from up above
As a little piece of heaven
You showered me with love
No taking, only giving

Take me back to something
That I lost somehow, somewhere along the way
Take me back to something
That I need somehow, to brighten up my day

Take me back to something
That I lost somehow, somewhere along the way
Take me back to something
That I need somehow, to brighten up my day

Never felt this way before
Since your smile unlocked the door
To let me fall in love again
I'm not frightened anymore
You were send from up above
As a little piece of heaven
You showered me with love
No taking, only giving

Take me back to something
That I lost somehow, somewhere along the way
Take me back to something
That I need somehow, to brighten up my day

Somewhere along the way
Somewhere along the way

Take me back to something
That I lost somehow, somewhere along the way
Take me back to something
That I need somehow, to brighten up my day

Take me back to something
That I lost somehow, somewhere along the way
Take me back to something
That I need somehow, to brighten up my day

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