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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Sum 41 - Thanks for nothing

dodał: Kalina505
czytano: 696 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
[ brak tłumaczeń ] [ brak tabulatur ]

I'll never take part in the grown population
or waste my time with further education.
Forget what we know it's just a big show
what they want to control,
so chained frustrated, it's all so complicated.
fashion no passion surrounds me.

All I know is
I've heard this all before
reality's a bore.
You ask me to believe in something fake.
Well I can't bring myself to
do what you want me to.
This is who we are and
nothing's going to change.
Nothing's going to change.

I can't take part in the businessman revolution,
or take my chances in the real world confusion.
Don't blame us who do we trust
when they're so dishonest.
No patience this nation's obsessed with exploitation.
lying denying surrounds me.

All I know is
I've heard this all before,
reality's a bore.
You ask me to believe in something fake,
well I can't bring myself to
do what you want me to.
This is who we are and
nothing's going to change.

Don't think you can ignore us.
Don't tell me that we're to blame.
Don't pick our future for us.
or act like we're the same.

All I know is
I've heard this all before
reality's a bore.
You ask me to believe in something fake,
well I can't bring myself to
do what you want me to.
This is who we are and
nothing's going to change.

Thanks for nothing,
I've heard this all before
thanks for nothing,
reality's a bore.
Thanks for nothing,
it'll never be the same.
Thanks for nothing,
and nothing's gonna change

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