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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Sparks - Tarzan and Jane

dodał: kuba
czytano: 791 razy

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There's a riot in Room 42
It was chemistry, now it's a zoo
And they kicked out the teacher, Miss Prune
Tuned the heat up to one hundred two

Tarzan and Jane
Tarzan and Jane

Now they're ripping their shirts and their tights
Now they're swinging from fluorescent lights
Look at Bob, he was getting straight A's
Who's he carrying 'round on his face

Tarzan and Jane
Tarzan and Jane

Now they've called in the men wearing blue
There's a cameraman from Channel 2
On the news at eleven does Edgar Rice Burroughs
Get royalties on local news

Tarzan and Jane
Tarzan and Jane

Well, tomorrow at 7:04
As the principal says "shut the door"
They'll be 25 Tarzan and 25 Janes
And a chimp from Zoology 4

Tarzan and Jane
Tarzan and Jane

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