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Need For Speed Shift

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Sparks - Over the summer

dodał: kuba
czytano: 707 razy

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You've got to trust in summer, miracles can happen if you do
'Cause all that heat speeds change in everything, maybe even you

If you're a summertime believer
If you're a summertime believer
July, you were the plainest of Janes
Through August, you got rearranged
September, you're not just a brain

Over the summer, over the summer, over the summer
I tried to find myself this summertime,
I found you instead
And please forgive me Karen, but in June
you were kind of dead

But, then we had that three day hot spell
You really turned into a bombshell
July, you were the plainest of Janes
Through August, you got rearranged
September, you're not just a brain

Over the summer, over the summer, over the summer|
Over the summer you're under the summer sun
Over the summer you're under the summer sun
Over the summer you're under the summer sun

Lying there, lying there, lying there, getting hot
You know the records that I got in June don't sound good no more
And all the clothes I bought in June are now rotting in my drawers
But you're a different girl, much better
A little redder, but much better
Was it just the heat of the sun
Was it that you had lots of fun
I wish that the summer weren't done

Over the summer, over the summer, over the summer

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