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Need For Speed Shift

SZUKAJ tekstu piosenki w/g albumu tłumaczenia tabulatur

  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Sophie Ellis Bextor - Music Gets The Best Of Me

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 737 razy

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Music gets the best of me

I've got to tell you something
you're not my first ever love
men come and go I've noticed
But my first love's going strong
He swept me off my feet
With melody and simple beat
A touch and I feel complete
Music is my love you see yeah

Music gets the best of me
But guess who gets the rest of me
And there's no need for jealousy
Music gets the best of me

Without the beat I'm nothing
Without a song in my heart
I'd be a different girlfriend
But we're all here so lets start
The things he says are always true
He's never going to change his tune
And though you're still the boy for me
Music is my life you see yeah

Music gets the best of me
But guess who gets the rest of me
There's no need for jealousy
Music gets the best of me

If someone held you with a gun
You know I'd make you number one
I need you both to get along
Music gets the best of me

Oh my baby
You know you make me smile
But it's the music we're making
That's really driving me wild

Come on come on come on come on

Music gets the best of me
But guess who gets the rest of me
And there's no need for jealousy
Music gets the best of me...

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