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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Sophie Ellis Bextor - Is It Any Wonder

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 724 razy

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Turn me down
To the ground
I want to feel the coolness on my face
Lie me down
Show me how
I can begin to hold you endlessly
I don't sleep
So I don't dream of leaving
And when I wake I face the night
And I don't speak
I listen to the breathing
I sometimes think I hear my fate
So is it any wonder
That I'm finding someone in this place here next to me
And is it any wonder
That we found each other
I've found another who meets the same
Is it any wonder
Don't explain by it's name
We write our words forever in the space
Who could say
Chance again
Chooses to bring together you and me
Now I don't sleep so I don't dream of leaving
I lie awake and face the night
I lie awake and dream of you
So is it any wonder
that I'm finding someone in this place here next to me
And is it and wonder that you made it here
We found another who meets the same
And is it any wonder that I'm finding someone in this place here next to me
Is it any wonder
that we found each other
We found another who meets the same

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