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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Smokie - It's your life

dodał: kuba
czytano: 898 razy

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You say the web of life is woven in dreams,
'Cause your life is filled with dreams you can't believe.
So the only way you live with it is acting every scene,
And you play the part so well, but who's to see ...
Now and again, I find you
Who knows, I come, and I go, but it's your life ...

The world is overcrowded, you still found an empty place,
And I know it leaves you helpless and confused.
And your search below has often left you staring into space,
Just another broken heart, so what's the use?
How many times have I been, so hard to find?
You know, I come, and I go, but it's your life ...

How does it feel, when he's not around?
Can he be real, when he can't be found?
No way ...

Who lit the flame upon the candle tonight?
And who let herself be lit so easily?
And who let it burn into the early morning light?
And in the early morning gave herself to me?
And so, my love, you know, that it's your life ...

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