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Need For Speed Shift

SZUKAJ tekstu piosenki w/g albumu tłumaczenia tabulatur

  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Scooter - Behind The Cow

dodał: adrianka-11
czytano: 911 razy

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In the year of the lord 1994
we conquered the floor
Scooter that was then
this is chapter four

I cause a riot on da stage
Behind like a lion in a cage
cumin' down wit da sounds
The worth a million pounds
zippidy zippidy doo da
a zippidy doo da hey
Cow a wonderful day
i wanna say with no delay
zippidy zippidy doo da
Songtexte zippidy zippidy doo da hey
i say with no delay
M.C. H gonna play
The legend - behind the cow!

Come on , tonight, hooray, this is the way
Lyrics Come on , tonight, hooray, this is my way

zippidy zippidy doo da
Lyric a zippidy doo da hey
a wonderful day
i wanna say with no delay
Liedertexte zippidy zippidy doo da
zippidy zippidy doo da hey
i say with no delay
Liedertext gonna blow you away

The legend - behind the cow!

Come on , tonight, hooray, this is the way
Alle Come on , tonight, hooray, this is my way

Alright crew
introducing Mr. Fatman Scoop
Scooter what's up, what's up, what's up

Fatman Scoop rock the jam, rock the jam, once again
Behind Fatman Scoop rock the jam, rock the jam, once again
Scooter's in da house, hands up, hands up
The Scooter's in da house, hands up, hands up
H.P. is in da house, ,pull them up, pull them up
Cow H.P. is in da house
anybody just jump jump jump jump
Songtexte pull them up, pull them up
anybody just
jump jump jump jump jump
The legend - behind the cow!

Come on, tonight, hooray
this is the way
Lyrics come on, tonight, hooray
this is my way

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