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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Robert Plant - The Way I Feel

dodał: kuba
czytano: 925 razy

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See what I'm driving at and I'm back behind the wheel
Just a little nervous - it's something to do with the way I feel
With the way I feel, with the way I feel
Trouble understanding - nothing too out of hand
A little overloaded - some kinda storm in the heart of the man
Oh - in the heart of the man
I must have heard it somewhere
I can't quite remember

Look what I've turned into and I'm back inside the car
We travelled in luxury - a little celebration went a touch too far
Just a touch too far, just a touch too far
I must have passed it somewhere
Now I can't quite remember
But here it comes again

The mirror tries to please me - the image wouldn't stay
The stranger is too perfect to take my breath away
The future rides beside me - tomorrow in his hand
The stranger turns to greet me and take me by the hand

Look what I've turned into, and I'm back inside the car
We travelled in luxury - a little celebration went a touch too far
Just a touch too far, just a touch
It something to do with the way I feel, with the way I feel

The mirror tries to please me [etc repeated]

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