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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Rise Against - My Life Inside Your Heart

dodał: Kalina505
czytano: 828 razy

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Fight back the impulse
To turn my head and close my eyes
Spending these nights awake and cold and paralyzed
Wonder how we got this far and never realized
The common thread that binds our lives
And I know you hurt
But I can help you if you can...

Take my hand
And we'll live inside the dreams we left behind
Take my hand
As we move from this place to a better life
Take my hand
(If you take my hand)

Fight back the feeling that you always could deny
Anything but everything we know is just a lie
As I cremate this memory and watch the darkened ashes rise
And beneath the smoke I'll stand
And ask you if you can

Take my hand
And I'll promise not to ever let it go
Take my hand
'Cause this hope is greater than you'll ever know
(Take my hand)
And this is all I'll ever ask of you to show

Fight back the urges
Turn my head and close my eyes
And will I wake tomorrow still alive

I'm still dreaming
I'm still waiting
I'm still sure
(I'm still sure)

You're still living in a life
That isn't yours
(That isn't yours)

And this is part of me
I hope you never see
This is my life inside your heart

Take my hand
And I'll promise not to ever let it go
Take my hand
'Cause this hope is greater than you'll ever know
(Take my hand)
And this is all I'll ever ask of you to show

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