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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Rise Against - Dancing For Rain

dodał: Kalina505
czytano: 886 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
[ brak tłumaczeń ] [ brak tabulatur ]

We're losing daylight but I cant work any faster.
Under the veil of dusk we go on,
Don’t close your eyes.
What if it all disappears in the shadows that reach from the stars?

If I held my ground would you ask me to change?
This drought bleeds on now we're dancing for rain
We drink the air but it’s still not the same
These worlds collide but the distance remains
We point the finger, never accept the blame and I know. I know
Let's go!

The waters come but the fire still rages on here
The men all shrugged their shoulders and left
We sleep so sound in rooms just up the stairs
Will you save us like you saved them?

If I held my ground would you ask me to change?
This drought bleeds on now we're dancing for rain
We drink the air but it’s still not the same
These worlds collide but the distance remains
We point the finger, never accept the blame and I know. I know

You’ve bled me dry but I’m still breathing
I swear I’m sucking dry the sky
And you wont ever find us kneeling
Or swallowing your lies

If I held my ground would you ask me to change?
This drought bleeds on now were dancing for rain
We drink the air but it’s still not the same

These worlds collide but the distance remains
We point the finger, never accept the blame, and I know. I know

This drought bleeds on... this drought bleeds on

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