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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Reamonn - Tonight

dodał: marta2077
czytano: 1622 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
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She never took the train alone she hated being on her own
She always took me by the hand and say she needs me
She never wanted love to fail she always hoped that it was real
She’d look me in the eyes and say believe me
But then night becomes the day and there’s nothing left to say
If there’s nothing left to say then something’s wrong
Oh tonight you killed me with your smile so beautiful and wild so beautiful
Oh tonight you killed me with your smile so beautiful and wild so beautiful and wild
And as the hands would turn with time she’d always say hat she was my mine
She’d turn and lend a smile to say that she’s gone
But in a whisper she’d arrive and dance into my life
Like a music melody like a lovers song
Oh tonight you killed me with your smile so beautiful and wild so beautiful and wild
Oh tonight you killed me with your smile so beautiful and wild so beautiful and wild
Through the darkest night comes the brightest light
And the light that shines is deep inside
It’s who you are
Oh tonight you killed me with your smile so beautiful and wild so beautiful
Oh tonight you killed me with your smile so beautiful and wild so beautiful, beautiful
Oh tonight you killed me with your smile so beautiful and wild so beautiful and wild
So beautiful and wild
So beautiful and wild

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