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Need For Speed Shift

SZUKAJ tekstu piosenki w/g albumu tłumaczenia tabulatur

  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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R.E.M. - Animal

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1009 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
[ brak tłumaczeń ] [ brak tabulatur ]

Hey, what's the big deal
Tell me how to feel
I know where we boomeranged and fell from grace
Point me to the stars I'm up for the chase
I know where we fell on our face
Jump with me
You jump with me

Hey, what's the big deal
I'm an animal
The answer landed on my rooftop, whoa
I'm an animal
The future and the truth on my rooftop, whoa
I'm an animal
It's calling me to work it out
It's calling me to work it out, whoa

I don't want a boomerang
I don't want a cannonball
I'm not angling
I don't want to fall
Tell me I'm the anchor of my own ascension
Tell me I'm a tourist in the 4th dimension

Hey, what's the big deal
I'm an animal
The answer landed on my rooftop, whoa
I'm an animal
The future and the truth on my rooftop, whoa
I'm an animal
It's calling me to work it out
It's calling me to work it out, whoa
Work it out

I am vibrating at the speed of light
Take my hand

We'll wind up the night
Spin me
Win me
Lift me
Kiss me
Trip me
Cuss me
Dip me
Turst me
Touch me now
You take my hand
You trust me now
You understand

So what's the big deal
I'm an animal
The answer landed on my rooftop, whoa
I'm an animal
The future and the truth on my rooftop, whoa
I'm an animal
It's calling me to work it out
It's calling me to work it out

What's the big deal
I'm an animal
The answer landed on my rooftop, whoa
I'm an animal
The future and the truth on my rooftop, whoa
I'm an animal
It's calling me to work it out
It's calling me to work it out, whoa

I am vibrating at the speed of light
I am vibrating at the speed of light
I am vibrating at the speed of light
I am vibrating at the speed of light

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