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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Patrycja Kosiarkiewicz - Drinking with Mr. Big Bang

dodał: kuba
czytano: 864 razy

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You'd better see thing as they are
there's nothing that they represent
i'll tell you what Mr Big Bang
bang, bang, bang someone else

oh, oh, oh
go, go, go!

little merit in a faith of ease
a narrow path over the edge
not only do you tire and sweat
eventually you're charged for that

why or why?
i keep asking

some would die
to stay alive

too many whys, too many ohs
wise is a man with his mind closed
Mr Big Bang could you refrain
from drinking vodka through a straw

and you know what? what?
you're a bit too tough.
You don't know the answer that's
why you say i'm tough,
nobody knows the answer,
anyway so why should the man
close his mind?

because it's his heart
that should be open,
it's his heart that
should be open

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