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Need For Speed Shift

SZUKAJ tekstu piosenki w/g albumu tłumaczenia tabulatur

  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Ozzy Osbourne - Black Sabbath

dodał: kuba
czytano: 982 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
[ brak tłumaczeń ] [ brak tabulatur ]

What is this that stands before me?
Figure in black which points at me
Turn around quick, and start to run
Find out I'm the chosen one
Oh nooo!
Big black shape with eyes of fire
Telling people their desire
Satan's sitting there, he's smiling
Watches those flames get higher and higher
Oh no, no, please God help me!
Is it the end, my friend?
Satan's coming 'round the bend
people running 'cause they're scared
The people better go and beware!
No, no, please, no!

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