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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Mutton Birds - Inbetween man

dodał: kuba
czytano: 767 razy

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You say she gone again,
But it's not your fault,
She let you fall,
'Cause you bought it all with no guarentee.
Pick youself off the ground,
Doesn't bear talking about.
Don't think twice would be your advice if it happened to me.
I've always thought it natural to be guided by you,
So correct me if I'm wrong,
This is something I would never do.

Why don't you say to her what you just said to me?
Why don't you help her understand?
I wouldn't dream of telling you what you already know,
Even if I was the inbetween man.
The inbetween man

Guess I might have seen her, she might said some things,
And I've had reason to be where she be happened to be,
She might of mentioned you.
I think she's taken in by your wayword words,
She might suspect it's all an act and you're not so cool.
I could go on and on about the way I saw her then,
The way she moved her hands,
The way the sunlight moved her head.

Why don't you say to her what you just said to me?
Why don't you help her understand?
I wouldn't dream of telling you what you already know,
Even if I was the inbetween man.
I was the inbetween man.

Why don't you say to her what you just said to me?
I dont beleive I understand.
If you want to have have pride and joy
Together in your hand,
Don't ask me anymore, I'm not the inbetween man
Don't ask me anymore, I'm not the inbetween man

Inbetween Man.
Inbetween Man.

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