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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Missy Elliott - Bring It On

dodał: adrianka-11
czytano: 822 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
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I'm sexy, I'm cute
I'm popular to boot
I'm bitchin, great hair
The boys all love to stare

I'm wanted, I'm hot
I'm everything your not
I'm pretty, I'm cool
I dominate the school

Who am I? Just guess
Guys wanna touch my chest

I'm rockin, I smile
I'm anything worthwhile
I'm flyin', I jump
You can look but dont you hump- whoo!

I'm major, I roar
I swear am not a whore
We cheer and we lead
We act like we're on speed
Hate us cause we're beautiful well we dont like you either
We're cheerleaders- We are Cheerleaders ROLL CALL!

Call me Big Red,
I'm W-W-Whitney,
C-C-C-Courtney ROWR!
Dude its Darcy,
I'm big bad Carver YEAH
Just call me Kasey!

I'm still... Big... Red
I sizzle, I scorch
But now I pass the torch
The ballots are in
And one girl had to win
She's perky,
She's fun,
And now she's number one
K-Kick it Torrance,

I'm strong and I'm loud
I'm gonna make you proud
I'm T-T-Torrance
Your captain Torrance.

Let's go Toros!
We are the Toros
The mighty mighty Toros
We're so terrific
We must be Toros!

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