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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Marilyn Manson - Speed of pain

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1039 razy

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They slit our throats
Like we were flowers
And our milk has been
When you want it
It goes away too fast
Times you hate it
It always seems to last
Just remember when you think
You're free
The crack inside your fucking heart is me
(thought, not spoken):
I wanna outrace the speed of pain for another day
I wanna outrace the speed of pain for another day
I wish I could sleep
But I can't lay on my back
Because there's a knife
For everyday that I've known you
When you want it
It goes away too fast
Times you hate it
It always seems to last
Just remember when you think
You're free
The crack inside your fucking heart is me
(thought, not spoken):
I wanna outrace the speed of pain for another day
I wanna outrace the speed of pain for another day
Lie to me, cry to me, give to me
I would
Lie with me, die with me, give to me
I would
Keep all your secrets wrapped in dead hair always
Keep all your secrets wrapped in dead hair always
Lie to me, cry to me, give to me
I would
Lie with me, die with me, give to me
I would
I hope that we die holding hands
for always
I hope that we die holding hands
for always
I hope that we die holding hands

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