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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Marilyn Manson - Snake eyes and sissies

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1001 razy

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Wrench is just a household God
but I carry mine with pride
I don't work but I can work with it to split your smile
Run you down without a twitch,
your car's just not as big as mine
Tear the son out of your bitch and
sprinkle your remains with lime
I ain't no workin' man,
I do the best I can,
I got the devil's hand
Rollin' sixes
I am the habit man,
I use up all I can, I got the slacker's hand
My afternoon's remote control
Daydream milk and genocide
Tranquility with broken knees, silly putty enemies
Butter knife in your side
What I got I got for free, middle finger technology
What's yours is mine, yours is mine,
told you fucker, yours is mine
Snake eyes for sissies
I ain't no workin' man,
I do the best I can,
I got the devil's hand
Rollin' sixes
I am the habit man,
I use up all I can, I got the slacker's hand
I am the pedophlle's dream
A messianic Peter Pan
Just a boy, just a boy, just a little fucking boy,
I can never be a man
I ain't no workin' man,
I do the best I can,
I got the devil's hand
Rollin' sixes
I am the habit man,
I use up all I can, I got the slacker's hand
I ain't no workin' man,
I do the best I can,
I got the devil's hand
I am the habit man,
I use up all I can, I got the slacker's hand
(Oh no, Oh no)

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