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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Marilyn Manson - Great Big White World

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1643 razy

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In space the stars are no nearer
They just glitter like a morgue
And I dreamed I was a spaceman
Burned like a moth in a flame
And our world was so fucking gone
But I'm not attached to your world
Nothing heals and nothing grows
Because it's a great big white world
And we are drained of our colors
We used to love ourselves,
We used to love one another
All my stitches itch
My prescription's low, I wish you
Were Queen
Just for today
In a world so white what else could I say?
And hell was so cold
All the vases are so broken
And the roses tear our hands all open
Mother Mary miscarry
But we pray just like insects
The world is so ugly now
Because it's a great big white world
And we are drained of our colors
We used to love ourselves,
We used to love one another
All my stitches itch
My prescription;s low, I wish you
Were Queen
Just for today
In a world so white what else could I say?

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