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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Madonna - Survival

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 655 razy

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I'll never be an angel
I'll never be a saint, it's true
I'm too busy surviving
Whether it's heaven or hell
I'm gonna be living to tell

So here's my story
No risk, no glory

A little up and down and all around
It's all about survival

I'll never be an angel
I'll never be a saint, it's true
I'm too busy surviving
Whether it's heaven or hell
I'm gonna be living to tell

So here's my question
Does your criticism
Have you caught up in what you cannot see
Well if you give me respect
Then you'll know what to expect

A little up and down and all around
It's all about survival
Up and down and all around
It's all about survival

I'll never be an angel
I'll never be a saint, it's true
I'm too busy surviving
Whether it's heaven or hell
I'm gonna be living to tell

So here's my story
No risk, no glory

A little up and down and all around
It's all about survival
Up and down and all around
It's all about survival
Up and down and all around
It's all about survival
Up and down and all around
It's all about survival
Up and down and all around
I'll never be an angel
Up and down and all around
Up and down and all around
I'll never be a saint, it's true
Up and down and all around
Up and down and all around
I'll never be an angel
Up and down and all around
Up and down and all around
I'll never be a saint, it's true
Up and down and all around

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