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Need For Speed Shift

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Madonna - Spotlight

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 703 razy

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Spotlight, shine bright
Tonight, spotlight

No one knows you better than you know yourself
Do the thing you want, don't wait for someone else
Life is just a party, that's all you need to know
It's your turn to shine, baby let yourself go

Everybody is a star
Everyone is special in their own way
So you set your goals high and go far
Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today

Spotlight, open up your eyes and see
Spotlight, shining out for you and me
Spotlight, this world is yours and mine
Spotlight, this is your chance to shine

Don't stand in the corner waiting for the chance
Make your own music, start your own dance
When you feel the rhythm, I'll be by your side
Now you have the power, baby love is on your side

Everybody wants to shine
Don't stand in the sideline, step into the light
But it's got to come from inside
Listen to your heart and step into the

Spotlight, open up your eyes and see
Spotlight, shining out for you and me
Spotlight, this world is yours and mine
Spotlight, this is your chance to shine

Don't be afraid to fall
I'll hear you when you call
And I'll be right here by your side
Don't be afraid to try


Everybody is a star
It's got to come from the heart
Spotlight, this world is yours and mine
Spotlight, this is your chance to shine

Don't be afraid to fall
I'll hear you when you call
And I'll be right here by your side
Don't be afraid to try

Everybody wants to shine
Don't stand in the sideline, step into the light
But it's got to come from inside
Listen to heart and step into the light

Don't be afraid to fall
I'll hear you when you call
And I'll be right here by your side
Don't be afraid to try

Spotlight, open up your eyes and see
Spotlight, shining out for you and me
Spotlight, this world is yours and mine
Spotlight, this is your chance to shine

Everybody is a star, you know who you are
(Shine bright)
This is your chance to shine
It's got to come from the heart, do it right from the start
And step into the light

Everybody is a star, you know who you are
This is your chance to shine
It's got to come from the heart, do it right from the start
And step into the light

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