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Need For Speed Shift

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Madonna - Secret Garden

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 713 razy

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In my secret garden
I'm looking for the perfect flower
Waiting for my finest hour
In my secret garden
I still believe after all
I still believe and I fall
You plant the seed and I'll watch it grow
I wonder when I'll start to show
I wonder if I'll ever know
Where my place is
Where my face is
I know it's in here somewhere
I just wish I knew the color of my hair
I know the answer's hiding somewhere
In my secret garden

There's a petal that isn't torn
A heart that will not harden
A place that I can be born
In my secret garden
A rose without a thorn
A lover without scorn

If I wait for the rain
To kiss me and undress me
Will I look like a fool
Wet and a mess
Will I still be thirsty
Will I pass the test
And if I look for the rainbow
Will I see it
Or will it pass right by
'Cause I'm not supposed to see
'Cause the blind are never free
Even at my secret garden
There's a chance that I could harden
That's why I'll keep on looking for

A petal that isn't torn
A heart that will not harden
A place that I can be born
In my secret garden
A rose without a thorn
A lover without scorn

I still believe
I still believe
'Cause after all is said and done
I'm still alive
And the boots have come and trampled on me
And I'm still alive
'Cause the sun has kissed me
And caressed me
And I'm strong
And there's a chance
That I will grow
This I know
So I'm still looking for

A petal that isn't torn
A heart that will not harden
A place that I can be born
It's in my secret garden
A rose without a thorn
A lover without scorn

Somewhere in fontainebleau
Lies my secret garden

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