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Madonna - Santa Evita

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 742 razy

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Please, gentle Eva, will you bless a little child?
For I love you, tell Heaven I'm doing my best
I'm praying for you, even though you're already blessed

Please, mother Eva, will you look upon me as your own?
Make me special, be my angel
Be my everything, wonderful, perfect, and true
And I'll try to be exactly like you

Please, holy Eva, will you feed a hungry child?
For I love you, tell Heaven I'm doing my best
I'm praying for you, even though you're already blessed

Please, mother Eva, will you feed a hungry child?
For I love you (turn a blind eye Evita), tell Heaven I'm doing my best (turn a blind eye Evita)
I'm praying for you, even though you're already blessed

Santa Santa Evita
Madre de todos los ninos
De los tiranizados
De los descamisados
De los trabajadores
De la Argentina

Santa Santa Evita
Madre de todos los ninos
De los tiranizados
De los descamisados
De los trabajadores
De la Argentina

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