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Need For Speed Shift

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Madonna - Revenge

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 755 razy

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There is no such thing as revenge
You will not give as good as you got
There is no such thing as an eye for an eye
If you think you're the giver, you're not

There is no such thing as regret
There is no point in placing the blame
Hate destroys the one who hate
And everyone suffers the same

What you see
Is not necessarily what you get
The eyes are the window to the soul
Take your judgements
And let them go

There are only love and respect
To the known self be true
When you point the finger
There are three fingers pointed back at you

What you see
Is not necessarily what you get
The eyes are the window to the soul
Take your judgements
And let them go
Let them go
Let them go
Let them go

Recognize that love is alive in everyone
Recognize that love is in us all

What you see
Is not necessarily what you get
The eyes are the window to the soul
Take your judgements
And let them go
Let them go
Let them go
Let them go

What you see
Is not necessarily what you get
The eyes are the window to the soul
Take your judgements
And let them go
Let them go
Let them go
Let them go

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