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Need For Speed Shift

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Madonna - Peron's Latest Flame

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 682 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
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At the watering-holes of the well-to-do
I detect a resistance to
Our heroine's style
We're glad you noticed
The shooting sticks of the upper class
Give her an inch
Aren't supporting a single ass
That would rise for the girl
She'll take a mile

Such a shame she wandered into our enclosure
How unfortunate this person has forced us to be blunt
No we wouldn't mind seeing her at Harrod's
But behind the jewelry counter
Not in front

Could there be
In our fighting corps
A lack of enthusiasm for
Peron's latest flame?
You said it brother
Should you wish to cause great distress
In the tidiest officer's mess
Just mention her name
That isn't funny!

Peron is a fool, breaking every taboo
Installing the girl in the army H.Q.
And she's an actress!
The last straw
Her only good parts are between her thighs
She should stare at the ceiling, not reach for the skies
Or she could be his last whore
The evidence suggests
She has other interests
If it's her who's using him
He's exceptionally dim
Bitch! Dangerous Jade!

We have allowed ourselves to slip
We have completely lost our grip
We have declined to an all-time low
Tarts have become the set to know

I'm only a radio star with just one weekly show
But speaking as one of the people I want you to know
We are tired of the decline of
Argentina with no sign of
A government able to give us the things we deserve

It's no crime for officers to do as they please
As long as they're discreet and keep clear of disease
We ignore, we disregard
But once they allow a bit on the side
To move to the center where she's not qualified
We are forced to mark his card

She should get into her head
She should not get out of bed
She should know that she's not paid
To be loud but to be laid
Slut! Dangerous Jade!

This has really been your year, Miss Duarte
Tell us where you go from here, Miss Duarte
Which are the roles that you yearn to play
Whom did you sleep, dine with yesterday?

Acting is limiting, the line's not mine
That's no help to the Argentine

Can we assume then that you'll quit?
Is this because of your involvement with Colonel Peron?

Goodnight and thank you

She won't be kept happy by her nights on the tiles
She says it's his body but she's after his files
So get back onto the street!

She should get into her head
She should not get out of bed
She should know that she's not paid
To be loud but to be laid
The evidence suggests
She has other interests
If it's her who's using him
He's exceptionally dim

Things have reached a pretty pass
When someone pretty lower class
Graceless and vulgar, uninspired
Can be accepted and admired

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