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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Madonna - More

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 828 razy

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Once upon a time I had plenty of nothing
Which was fine with me
Because I had rhythm, music, love
The sun, the stars and the moon above
Had the clear blue sky and the deep blue sea
That was when the best things in life were free

Then time went by and now I got plenty of plenty
Which is fine with me
'Cause I still got love, I still got rhythm
But look at what I got to go with 'em
"Who could ask for anything more?", I hear you query
Who could ask for anything more? Well, let me tell you, dearie

Got my diamonds, got my yacht, got a guy I adore
I'm so happy with what I got, I want more!

Count your blessings, one, two, three
I just hate keeping score
Any number is fine with me
As long as it's more
As long as it's more!

I'm no mathematician, all I know is addition
I find counting a bore
Keep the number mounting, your accountant does the counting
More! More!

I got rhythm, music too, just as much as before
Got my guy and my sky of blue
Now, however, I own the view
More is better than nothing, true
But nothing's better than more, more, more
Nothing's better than more

One is fun, why not two?
And if you like two, you might as well have four
And if you like four, why not a few
Why not a slew
More! More!

If you've got a little, why not a lot?
Add a bit and it'll get to be an oodle
Every jot and tittle adds to the pot
Soon you've got the kit as well as the caboodle
More! More!

Never say when, never stop at plenty
If it's gonna rain, let it pour
Happy with ten, happier with twenty
If you like a penny, wouldn't you like many much more?

Or does that sound too greedy?
That's not greed, no, indeedy
That's just stocking the store
Gotta fill your cupboard, remember Mother Hubbard
More! More!

Each possession you possess
Helps your spirits to soar
That's what's soothing about excess
Never settle for something less
Something's better than nothing, yes!
But nothing's better than more, more, more
(Except all, all, all)
Except all, all, all
Except once you have it all (have it all)
You may find all else above (find all else above)
That though things are bliss
There's one thing you miss, and that's
More! More!
More! More! More! More!
More! More! More!

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