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Need For Speed Shift

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Madonna - Laugh To Keep From Crying

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 744 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
[ brak tłumaczeń ] [ brak tabulatur ]

I can't lock my door
Oh, I don't have no privacy
The only thing that's mine
Is what's inside of me

When I've had enough
A little voice inside
It says you've got to be tough
You've got to take it in stride

Sometimes I am foolish
I let it get the best of me
At least I know that my mistakes
Are my responsibility

And I just have to laugh
To keep from crying
I just have to laugh
To keep from crying

I don't have a dime
Oh, to buy those pretty things
But I hear all the evidence
You know it all sounds the same

But I'm still waiting
I've got my hands open wide
You know my dream isn't fading
I keep it hidden inside

Oh I just have to laugh
To keep from crying
I just have to laugh
To keep from crying
I just have to laugh
To keep from crying
I keep on trying

My friends don't understand
Oh, they think I've lost my mind
And I'm choking back the tears
I've got to swallow my pride

I just have to laugh
To keep from crying
I just have to laugh
To keep from crying

I just have to laugh, ah
La, ah
Lo, oh
La, ah

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