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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Madonna - Isaac

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 803 razy

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Im nin'alu
Daltei n'divim
Daltei n'divim
Daltei marom

Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu

Staring up into the heavens
In this hell that binds your hands
Will you sacrifice your comfort
Make your way in a foreign land

Wrestle with your darkness
Angels call your name
Can you hear what they are saying
Will you ever be the same

Mmm mm mm
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu
Mmm mm mm
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu

Remember, remember, never forget
All of your life has all been a test
You will find the gate that's open
Even though your spirit's broken

Open up my heart
And cause my lips to speak
Bring the heaven and the stars
Down to earth for me

Im nin'alu
Daltei n'divim

Mmm mm mm
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu
Mmm mm mm
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu
Mmm mm mm
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu
Mmm mm mm
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu

El hai
El hai maromam 'al karuvim
Kolam baruchu ya'alu

Wrestle with your darkness
Angels call your name
Can you hear what they are saying
Will you ever be the same

Mmm mm mm
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu
Mmm mm mm
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu
Mmm mm mm
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu
Mmm mm mm
Im nin'alu
Im nin'aaalu

El hai
El hai maromam 'al karuvim

(Yitzhak Sinwani spoken:)
The generous truly know
What will be given
If they don't stop, you know
The gates of heaven are always open
And there's this God in the sky and the angels
How they sit, you know, in front of the light
And that's what it's about

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