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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Madonna - High Flying, Adored

dodał: martusia1093
czytano: 781 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
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High flying, adored
So young, the instant queen
A rich beautiful thing of all the talents
A cross between
A Fantasy of the bedroom and a saint
You were just a back street girl
Hustling and fighting
Scratching and biting

High flying, adored
Did you believe in your wildest moments
All this would be yours
That you'd become the lady of them all?
Were there stars in your eyes
When you crawled in at night
From the bars, from the sidewalks
From the gutter theatrical?
Don't look down, it's a long, long way to fall

High flying, adored
What happens now, where do you go from here?
For someone on top of the world
The view is not exactly clear
A shame you did it all at twenty-six
There are no mysteries now
Nothing can thrill you
No-one fulfill you

High flying, adored
I hope you come to terms with boredom
So famous, so easily, so soon, is not the wisest thing to be
You won't care if they love you, it's been done before
You'll despair if they hate you
You'll be drained of all energy
All the young who've made it would agree

High flying, adored, that's good to hear, but unimportant
My story's quite usual
Local girl makes good, weds famous man
I was stuck in the right place at the perfect time
Filled a gap I was lucky
But one thing I'll say for me
No one else can fill it like I can

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