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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Kelly Rowland - Angel

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1169 razy

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You are my best friend, and I love you.
You were always there to love me when I didn't even love myself.
You bring out the best in me, and I thank you.
Thank you for my life, thank you for your advice, your wisdom and your strenght.


My Earth Angel, I thank you,
I'm so grateful, for trusting me,
and loving me, with your love unconditionaly.

My Earth Angel, I thank you,
I'm so grateful, for trusting me,
and loving me, with your love unconditionaly.

You are my messenger from heaven,
no matter how unhappy I become,
you always find a way to make me smile,
And I admire you, for your pale heart,
you're always giving all of you to everyone around you and I
pray we never part.


My Earth Angel, I thank you,
I'm so grateful, for trusting me,
and loving me, with your love unconditionaly.

My Earth Angel, I thank you,
I'm so grateful, for trusting me,
and loving me, with your love unconditionaly.


And if it wasn't for you,
and if I didn't know you,
and if you never reached you,
and you didn't teach me,
I wouldn't be who I am right now,
I wouldn't give what I give right now,
I wouldn't think what I think right now,
I'm thanking you,
I'm thanking you,


My Earth Angel, I thank you,
I'm so grateful, for trusting me,
and loving me, with your love unconditionaly.

My Earth Angel, I thank you,
I'm so grateful, for trusting me,
and loving me, with your love unconditionaly.

My Earth Angel, I thank you,
I'm so grateful, for trusting me,
and loving me, with your love unconditionaly.

My Earth Angel, I thank you,
I'm so grateful, for trusting me,
and loving me, with your love unconditionaly

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