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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Kate Bush - Room For The Life

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1093 razy

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Hey there you lady in tears
Do you think that they care if they're real, woman ?
They just take it as part of the deal
Lost in your men and the games you play
Trying to prove that you're better, woman
But you needn't get heavy with them
Like it or not, we were built tough
Because we're woman

No, we never die for long
While we've got that little life to live for
Where it's hid inside, no, we never die for long
Oh - woman, two in one
There's room for a life in your womb, woman
Inside of you, can be two, woman
There's room for a life in your womb, woman
Mama woman - aha

Night after night in the quiet house
Plaiting her hair by the fire, woman
With no lover to free her desire
How long do you think she can stick it out
How long do you think, before she'll go out, woman
Hey get up on your feet and go get it now
Like it or not we keep bouncing back
Because we're woman

No, we never die for long
While we've got that little life to live for
Where it's hid inside, no, we never die for long
Oh - woman, two in one
There's room for a life in your womb, woman
Inside of you, can be two, woman
There's room for a life in your womb, woman
Mama woman - aha .

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