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Need For Speed Shift

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Iron Maiden - Journeyman

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1110 razy

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From the red sky of the east
To the sun set in the west
We have cheated death
And he has cheated us

But that was just a dream
And this is what it means
We are sleeping and we'll
Dream for evermore

And the fragment remains of our memories
And the shadows we made with our hands
Deeper grey, came to mourn
All the colours of the dawn
Will this journeyman's day, be has last

I know what I want, and I say what I want
And no one can take it away
I know what I want, and I say what I want
And no one can take it away

But the memory still remains
All the past years no so srange
Our winter times are
Like a silent shroud

And the heartbeat of the day
Drives the mist away
And our winter's not
The only dream around

In your life you may choose desolation
And the shadows you build with tour hands
If you turn to the light
That is burning in the night
Then your journeyman' day has begun

I know what I want, and I say what I want
And no one can take it away
I know what I want, and I say what I want
And no one can take it away

In your life you may choose desolation
And the shadows you build with your hands
If you turn to the light
That is burning in the night
Then your journeyman's day has begun

I know what I want, and I say what I want
And no one can take it away
I know what I want, and I say what I want
And no one can take it away

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