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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Iron Maiden - Chains Of Misery

dodał: kuba
czytano: 944 razy

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There's a madman in the corner of your eye
He likes to pry - into your sunlight
He wants to burst into the street with you and I
A world of shadows and of rain
He's seen what love is...
He wants to pay you back with guilt...

He lies to you he won't let you be
He's got your chains of misery
He won't be still till he's turned your key
He holds your chains of misery

There's a prophet in the gutter in the street
He say "you're damned!" -
and you believe him...
He's got a vision but it shines out through your eyes
A world of hatred and fear...
He's felt what love means...
He wants to pay you back with pain

He lies to you - he won't let you be
He's got your chains of misery
He won't be still till he's turned the key
He holds your chains of misery

It's only love that holds the key to
our hearts...
It's only love...

He lies to you he won't let you be
He's got your chains of misery
He won't be still till he's turned the key
He holds your chains of misery

He lies to you he won't let you be
He's got your chains of misery
He won't be still till he's turned the key
He holds your chains of misery

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