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Gwen Stefani - A little something refreshing

dodał: adrianka-11
czytano: 793 razy

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tekst piosenki A little something refreshing - Gwen Stefani

A little something refreshing

I'm hungry
I'm starving
I want some food for my tummy
I want some
Pizza coke and ice cream
Popcorn cotton candy
Marshmallows milkshake and peanuts
Would be so great

Pies chips candy apples
Twinkies frosted flakes
Donuts french fries
And some chocolate cake with mustard

Cookies avocados pancakes
Pineapple juice
Whipped cream on some raw meat
That's not all i could eat

I'm hungry
I'm starving
I want some food for my tum...
I want some
Honey roasted walnuts
Pepperoni slices
Pasta and burritos
Different kinds of rices
Cherries dipped in chocolate
Cottage cheese and jelly
Colonel sander's chicken
Still won't fill my belly

Broccoli sticky syrup
Churros dipped in sauce
Drippy sloppy joes
Then i'm full at last
Ahhh ahhh
I'm full at last

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