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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Gary Barlow - Forever love

dodał: kuba
czytano: 2747 razy

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Love it has so many beautiful faces
Sharing lives and sharing days
My love it had so many empty spaces
I`m sharing a memory now I hope
that's how it stays
Now I'm deep inside love and still breathing
She is holding my heart in her hand
I'm the clostest I've been to believing
this could be love forever
All troughout my life the reasons I've demanded
But how can I reason with the reason I'm a man

Oh, oh yeah ummm huh
In a minute I'm needing to hold her
In an hour I'm cold, cold as stone
When she leaves it get harder
and harder to face life alone
Now my dreams are filled with times when we together
Guess what I need from her is forever love

Oh, ooh yeah oooh ummm
Guess what I need from her forever love
Oh, oh yeah ummm
Guess what I need from her is forever love

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