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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Everclear - 1975

dodał: kuba
czytano: 878 razy

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Brawling scratches mean a bad hair day
Go on and press your face
All up against the glass
Watch and wonder as the pretty things spin and burn
Swing and missing all
Almost every time
Yeah, almost every time
Brawling scratches mean a bad hair day
Go on and press your face
All up against the glass
Watch and wonder as the pretty things spin and burn
Swing and missing all
Almost every time
I'm not alive, 1975
I'd spend my time wasted, dull, damaged, and blind
I'm not alive, 1975
Yeah, 1975
I see scratches and the idiot kids
I watched them getting high
Out in the cold blue sky
Watch and wonder as the asphalt babies burned
Dancing in the flame, laughing all of the while
I'm not alive, 1975
I'd spend my time wasted, dull, damaged, and blind
I'm not alive, 1975
Watch and wonder as they fade away
Dull, damaged, and blind
Sounds a lot like me
Dull, damaged, and blind
Yeah, almost all of the time
Dull, damaged, and blind
Whoa, 1975
I'm not alive, 1975
I was not alive, 1975
I'd spend all my time wasted dull, damaged, and blind
Watch and wonder as they fade away

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