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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Evanescence - Fallen

dodał: adrianka-11
czytano: 784 razy

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Their deaths are preparing for not having more life
Fallen for the high mountains of the high hill of 1,000 meters
Getting ready for the to hold the breathing and to remind of the memories
The stars are pricking and you will be far away from everybody
You will fall and it will be everything forgotten in your head that bad memory

Far away from everyone he/she won't advance to have more life to fall
And me anger to photograph for my camera plenty digital pictures and videos
You will harm his/her sáude and his/her human body

Fallen for the beautiful and blue mountains it doesn't exist more
Fallen for the yellow and blue stars that it will go of you
Mainly the person that was very afraid fallen and I don't overcome
Fallen for the any place but the man and the woman marries
Fallen for his/her life that if I don't take care and ready it was hard
Fallen the building everything of the world country and city doesn't exist
Fallen for the the whole confusion that all did shameless
Fallen the stores of the city cement was turned and everything was broken

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