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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Eurythmics - Damien save me

dodał: kuba
czytano: 958 razy

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Damien save me
And be my guide
Sooner or later
We're all gonna die
When we were walking
Through the streets
Everything you said was bittersweet
And I wish that we could be in a
Bottle of time just you and me
Let's talk about the ways and means
The body shape
The love supreme
And drink drink until we disappear
Damien save me
And be my god
Sooner or later
I'm gonna die like a dog
Cut me in half
And I’ll let you see
What this whole wide world
Has done to me
I'll be you sacrificial cow
Just tell me when and I’ll
Show you how
Let's talk about
The sacrifice
The body limbs
That rest on ice and drink drink until
We disappear
I know you'll never let me down
Down down down
So let's take it and push it
And kick it and break it
And turn it all around.
Damien save me
And be my guy
Sooner or later
We're all gonna die
When we were walking
Through the streets
Everything you said was bittersweet
And I wish that we could be
In a bottle of time
Just you and me
When we were walking through the streets
...walking through the streets
...walking through the streets.

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