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Need For Speed Shift

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Dolly Parton - Two little orphans

dodał: kuba
czytano: 797 razy

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Two little children a boy and a girl
Sat by and old church door
The little girls feet were as brown as the curl
That fell on the dress that she wore

The little boys clothes were all tattered and torn
They shone beneath his blue eyes
Why don't you go home to your mommy I said
And this was the maidens reply

Mommy's is heaven angels took her away
Left Jim and I all alone
We've no one to love us daddy is dead
And our darling mother is gone

Mommy got sick angels took her away
To dwell in those matins so bright
She said she would come for her children someday
And I guess she's coming tonight

The sexton came early to ring the church bell
And found them beneath the snow white
The angels made room for the orphans to dwell
Up in heaven with their mommy that night

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